PrimoBurner for .NET  5.0
CD, DVD and Blu-ray Software Development Kit
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAudioCDAudioCD burns audio CDs from files like MP3, WMA, WAV and other formats
 CAudioCDContinueEventArgsContains the parameters of the AudioCD.OnContinueWrite and AudioCD.OnContinueRead events
 CAudioCDProgressEventArgsContains the parameters of the AudioCD.OnWriteProgress and AudioCD.OnReadProgress events
 CAudioCDStatusEventArgsProvides data for the AudioCD.OnWriteStatus and AudioCD.OnReadStatus events
 CAudioCDTrackStatusEventArgsProvides data for the AudioCD.OnWriteTrack event
 CAudioInputDefines an audio input
 CAudioOutputDefines an audio output when reading from an Audio CD
 CBDFeaturesContainer for the Blu-ray Disc features supported by the device
 CBDFormatParametersReserved for future versions
 CBDMediaInfoContainer for BD-R and BD-RE media information
 CBDVersionServes as a container for Blu-ray Disc version information
 CBlockDeviceThe BlockDevice interface provides methods for reading and writing data CD and DVD in packet mode
 CBootPropsProvides an interface for setting the properties of a bootable disc
 CCachePolicyProvides an interface for setting the cache related properties of DataDisc
 CCDFeaturesContainer for the CD features supported by the device
 CCDModeThe CDMode interface defines a point at which the type and/or the frame size of a CD track changes
 CCDPregapDefines constants for the CD pre-gap start and length
 CCDSectorThe CDSector interface provides methods for encoding RAW CD sectors(blocks) from user data
 CCDSessionThe CDSession interface allows you to define the session layout (the TOC) of a CD
 CCDTextThe CDText interface is used to manipulate the CD-TEXT data on audio cds
 CCDTextItemRepresents a single CD-Text item
 CCDTrackThe Track interface allows you to specify the track type, the pre-gap length, the track indexes and the post-gap length for a track
 CDataDiscCreates and burns data images to CD, DVD and Blu-ray Discs
 CDataDiscContinueEventArgsContains the parameters of the DataDisc.OnContinueBurn event
 CDataDiscFileStatusEventArgsProvides data for the DataDisc.OnFileStatus> event
 CDataDiscProgressEventArgsProvides data for the DataDisc.OnProgress event
 CDataDiscStatusEventArgsProvides data for the DataDisc.OnStatus event
 CDataFileThe DataFile interface represents one file or directory from a data image
 CDataFileListRepresents a collection of DataFile objects
 CDeviceRecording Device Low Level Application Programming Interface
 CDeviceContinueEventArgsProvides data for the Device.OnContinueRead event
 CDeviceEnumeratorDevice enumerator
 CDeviceEraseEventArgsProvides data for the Device.OnErase event
 CDeviceFormatEventArgsProvides data for the Device.OnFormat event
 CDeviceReadEventArgsProvides data for the Device.OnRead event
 CDeviceWriteLeadInEventArgsProvides data for the Device.OnWriteLeadIn event
 CDeviceWriteLeadOutEventArgsProvides data for the Device.OnWriteLeadOut event
 CDiscArchiveDiscArchive object provides a way for constructing large file trees and scheduling them for burning over multiple discs
 CDiscArchiveAddFileToLayoutEventArgsContains the parameters of the DiscArchive.OnAddFileToLayout event
 CDiscArchiveFileErrorEventArgsContains the parameters of the DiscArchive.OnSourceFileError event
 CDiscArchiveFooterSizeEventArgsContains the parameters of the DiscArchive.OnFooterSize event
 CDiscArchiveRequestRenameEventArgsProvides data for the DiscArchive.OnRequestRename event
 CDiscCopyCopies CD, DVD and BD discs
 CDiscCopyContinueCopyEventArgsProvides data for the DiscCopy.OnContinueCopy event
 CDiscCopyProgressEventArgsProvides information about the overall progress of the copy process (image creation/burning)
 CDiscCopyStatusEventArgsProvides information about the status of the copy process
 CDiscCopyTrackStatusEventArgsProvides information about the reading/writing progress of individual medium tracks
 CDiscInfoDisk Information Structure
 CDiscLayoutThe DiscLayout object provides a way for recording all or a portion of DiscArchive content on a single disc
 CDiscLayoutContinueWriteEventArgsProvides data for the DiscLayout.OnContinueWriteevent
 CDiscLayoutFileErrorEventArgsContains the parameters of the DiscLayout.OnFileError event
 CDiscLayoutFileEventArgsContains the parameters of the DiscLayout.OnFileComplete event
 CDiscLayoutProgressEventArgsContains the parameters of the DiscLayout.OnProgress event
 CDVDFeaturesContainer for the DVD features supported by the device
 CDVDMediaInfoContainer for DVD media information
 CDVDMinusMediaInfoContainer for DVD-R and DVD-RW media information
 CDVDPlusMediaInfoContainer for DVD+R and DVD+RW media information
 CEngineBurner Engine
 CEngineDeviceChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Engine.OnDeviceChange event
 CEngineMediaChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Engine.OnMediaChange event
 CErrorInfoDescribes a PrimoBurner error
 CGenericErrorGeneric error codes
 CIsoVolumePropsProvides an interface for setting the properties of ISO volumes
 CJolietVolumePropsProvides an interface for setting the properties of ISO volumes
 CLibraryInitializes PrimoBurner and manages license information
 CMediaInfoContainer for the extended media information retrieved with the Device.ReadMediaInfo method
 CMode2FormedSubheaderMode 2 Formed (Form1 or Form2) Sub-header structure
 CPCMAudioFormatPCM audio format
 CQSubChannelThis structure is used together with the Device.GetQSubChannel method to get the q-subchannel information from the last 96 bytes of a raw CD sector data
 CQSubChannelIsrcThe QSubChannelIsrc structure defines the Track International Standard Recording Code data
 CQSubChannelMcnThe QSubChannelMcn structure defines the response data structure for the Media Catalog Number (MCN)
 CQSubChannelPositionThe QSubChannelPosition type defines the response data structure for the CD current position data (i.e., track, index, absolute address, relative address)
 CRawTocRaw Table Of Content (TOC)
 CRawTocTrackA Track from the Raw TOC (Raw Table Of Content)
 CScsiCommandSenseGets SCSI sense data that results from a command sent with the SendCommand method
 CScsiInterfaceAllows an application to send SCSI command to a device
 CSessionInfoSession information structure
 CSpeed1xKBDefines constants for 1x speeds in Kbytes/s
 CSpeedDescriptorDevice supported speed
 CTocTable Of Content (TOC)
 CTocTrackA track from the disc Table Of Content (Toc)
 CTrackBufferTrack Buffer
 CTrackInfoTrack Information Structure
 CTrackInfoExExtended Track Information Structure
 CUdfExtentDefines a UDF file extent
 CUdfFilePropsProvides an interface for setting various properties of UDF file and directory items
 CUdfVolumePropsProvides an interface for setting the properties of UDF volumes
 CVideoDVDThe VideoDVD interface provides methods for creating DVD-Video compatible images layouts